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Last Updated:
2/28/2020 8:02 PM


Rainbow Bridge

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Koby was the inspiration for this rescue. A month after I found out I had breast cancer, Koby was diagnosed with cancer as well. He had his tumor removed and there was no sign it had spread to the lymph nodes. His strength and love got me through my treatment. His 3 month check showed no signs of cancer... less then a month later he was gone.

RIP 02-02-20

Toby 'Joe'
Toby came to us as a Hospice pup with 'about 1-2 months to live' and after 18 months of love, walks around the pond and being spoiled he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Our wish is that all animals in our care have the best life possible for the time they have left.

RIP 07-23-19 Pops was our first senior pulled from Texas. He was rescued with less than 30 minutes before euthanasia. HW +, did well with his treatment then became a long-term foster in our Companion program. Pops had a wonderful 2 1/2 years enjoying walks, naps & best of all treats!

Clam & Chowder

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